Slightly Intoxicated Rant v1.2 - Bro Status and "Finally Accepting It"

Please note, I've been drinking tonight. And I'm in an awfully cheerful mood.

Raise your hand if you've never been completely okay with who you are.
That's most of us, right?
Now put your hand down if you still aren't.
Mine is still raised.

I don't know if yours is or not, but quite frankly, that's something you're going to have to tackle on your own.
You may confide in friends, family and loved ones, but ultimately no one is going to help you be comfortable in your own skin except for yourself.
That sounds harsh, but it is undoubtedly true.
You can either accept who you are and make strides toward achieving the best you...
Or adversely....
You can choose to loathe the person you are, despite the fact you're either trying to change it or are absolutely unwilling to.
That's up to you.

There are parts of me that, in the past, I've locked away, never wanted to come to terms with or simply did not want to believe are true about myself.
This past month or two have been fairly interesting. I've found out uncomfortable truths about myself. And those things that I've locked away? Well, those certainly have made a break for freedom. I know, escape attempts are authorizations for the use of deadly force, but really, I haven't had the heart to. Or maybe I finally think they were shut away for very unjust reasons.
Either way.
They're out there. Running ramped. Causing mayhem and destruction.

But you know what? I. Don't. Care.
It's a part of the fabric of my being. Who I am. And well, it hasn't hurt anyone yet.
I'm not any different.
I'm still LCpl Wood, regardless. I'm still the same person you met originally. I'm still me.
The only difference is that I've come to terms with all my perceived faults.
I'm happier for it, too.

Obscure rant finished.
Moving along.

Bro status?
Yeah, I've coveted that achievement for a while.
In a predominately male world that is the Marine Corps, I think that's a very valued place.
The whole being accepted as "One of the guys" is fairly important to me. Albeit, the ones who have given me this status are ones I've known for a cool minute, it still is awesome.
I don't think you quite understand the range of freedom that gives me.
I can go out with my guy friends, and I can drink, chill, I'm in on "Bro-code". And it won't be under the pretense of trying to fuck me. So. That's a great thing.
Onnnn the flip side, I will have to deal with jealous-as-fuck significant others. Which is such a damn hassle because they don't quite "get it" with being a female that's become just one of the guys.
Obviously, I'm not after their man. If I were, I wouldn't have wound up with the title I have. Also, I generally wind up knowing all the disgusting, perverse male things that they talk about or think. So. Why the fuck would I want that? I don't.
But on the positive side, I'm not excluded just because they want a "guy's night out".

So props to me.
Well. I'm not making much sense at this point, it's just putting a stream of consciousness down on the screen at this point. So I should go. 

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