Barracks Cooking: The Grand Taco Experiment

Good evening Marines!
Errr... Hmm...More aptly, good evening people who know me who might happen to be some combination of Marines, civilians and internet lurkers!
My name is Lance Corporal Wood and my next period of instruction is on cooking in the barracks using what you have available to you! Tonight, is tacos (and maybe an egg scramble)! There will be no powerpoint aided lecture, but simply my blog with a few pictures for instructional purposes. You can choose to stop reading anytime you wish, however, I will remind you this may be beneficial for you sometime in the future!
By the end of my period of instruction, I am more than confident that you will be able cook and possible enjoy eating something other than chow hall food!

For those of you not in the know, living in the barracks is kind of like living in college dorms. There are certain things you can and cannot have. On the cannot have list, it's everything ranging from hot plates to those George Foreman grills. Basically anything that isn't a microwave, you can't have. It kind of sucks. And why don't I just break that rule and have one of those items? Well you see, if a health and comfort inspection ever occurred and I had one of those contraband items in my possession... There'd be a lot of trouble for me. So this is why I've decided I need to improvise.

First of all, you'll be needing a few things. Chances are, you don't typically have ground beef in your mini-fridge. Or any sort of ground animal. Well, fear not! You have a commissary somewhere near you. Go pick some up. Along with flour tortillas, refried beans, seasoning, cheese and whatever else you typically enjoy on your tacos. Also, if you're of-age, I highly recommend picking up a six pack from the Seven Day (a type of minimart for those of you who are confused). Right now I've been enjoying Sam Adam's winter variety pack.

Moving on!
I happen to have a 2 quart glass baking dish that I used for this, but if you have a bowl large enough that's microwave safe, that should work.

1. Place ground meat into the microwavable container.Place in microwave, heat on high for three minutes. Remove, it should start looking like it's cooking at the point. Open your package of seasoning, sprinkle on meat to taste (i.e. if you like it super salty, add more seasoning, if you just want the flavor, add less. You're a grown ass man or woman, I'm assuming, you figure out what you like)
Mix together, breaking up clumps of cooked meat in the process.
Return to microwave for another 3-4 minutes, watching carefully to make sure it doesn't overcook/burn/etc.
2. Open your can of refried beans. I had to improvise since I don't have a can opener. My Leatherman multitool was quite handy. Though I was sure I was going to cut off a finger or something.
Place refried beans in a microwavable bowl. Stand the fuck by!
3. At this point, your meat should be done. Just be sure to check it for it. Kinda should be springy, not mushy. If not, microwave for a minute each time until done.
Set aside when done.
4. Pop the beans in the microwave! Heat for two minutes, stir, heat for another two or until hot. Be sure to stir again before serving.
5. Prep everything else. Get out joor tortillas, cheese, and other fixings.

At this point, it's a little obvious that you're done. So go put together your damn tacos and enjoy them.
Don't forget that beer, either.

Next time? Tilapia and some sort of vegetable.

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