Barracks Cooking

Chow hall food.
I have nothing good to say about the food they serve in the chow hall next to my barracks. Breakfast isn't so bad, too bad I miss out on it when I'm working.
Don't you dare make the arguement, "But at least it's free."
So is grass. And dirt. And birdshit. But do you see me eating those? Hmmmmm? And let me tell you, there are some days that I think that foraging for food would be infinitely more tasty than eating that food, if you can loosely call it that.

And with the barracks? No, we don't have kitchens. We're limited to just a microwave and small refrigerator. (And once again, fuck the Army. The MPs I've known both in Ft. Leonard Wood and Ft. Myer have real kitchens. With stoves and shit. God, I should've become a nasty hooah.)
My mother, bless that crazy little German lady, would have some choice words for me and a very long lecture about the evils of using a microwave. But honestly? You use what you have, you adapt and overcome, right? *snorts*
Well, I've decided my next grand experiment will be cooking in the barracks. Using the microwave.
And I'm not talking about instant soup, frozen boxed dinners or Ramen. I'm talking about cooking things like...
Chicken and potatoes/rice.
Pork roast and asparagus.

Stuff like that.
Yeah, probably a crazy ass pipe dream, but we'll see.  That last bit sounds a little... ambitious. But I'll make it work, so help me God!
And you know what? I'll keep you updated on the progress of this experiment. My success and failures! (Especially the failures. Because those will most likely be humorous in the worst ways possible.) And if you hear about a Marine burning down the barracks because of an exploded microwave? Well. That'll be me.

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